Friday, May 11, 2007

Walking the steps to Sacre Coeur

Taking my 31 videos yesterday on my set of steps really made me think about what it means visually to be on a pilgrimage. What represents what one is looking for on a it the view from the top, looking up, looking down? What is one really looking for....the liminal state of the journey, or is that just means to an end? I think we've pretty much established that there is no concrete definition for a pilgrim/pilgrimage...but I'm wondering if any ''pilgrim'' really goes on this grueling journey for anyone but themselves. I mean the Peace Pilgrim must've had some benefit from doing what she did, whether it be not having to work a 9-5 job or internal gratification for fighting violence. I guess what I'm wondering is if pilgrimage can ever be completely selfless. Anyways...I would like to post video but I don't know if anyone knows hit me up!

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