Monday, May 7, 2007

Noticing Today

So, in thinking what to notice, I always figured rain should be collected near roofs and used on its way down, but it’s not. I wondered where does all the rain go?. I began looking at drainpipes. At ground level, I noticed sprays on many walls trickling to the sidewalks. I thought of that guy who peed on the police station. Then I thought dogs. Hmm. Okay, next topic.

(hfh photo)

Always, I notice people. I saw someone sitting in their security station, all boxed in. He looked like a part of the surroundings. Then I saw a bus driver, seeming inseparable from his seat in the bus. I thought of the places I regularly go, and thought about the people who are always there. How much am I drawn to the corner café for the friendly waiter? Lots. People can become part of their surroundings, and an expected part. Environments are what they are at times because of their denizens. I started noticing these people, and thay became my days’ focus.

(hfh photo)

I saw these people mostly in rooms, behind windows. Reflections I frequently check out. Windows also have ads, faces looking out at passerby. I began noticing the many portraits that greet us nearly everywhere. Life seems a flexible continuum of noticing, eh?

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