my earliest memories of a garden is my backyard. though it wasn't an actual garden, at that age i considered it one. there were huge oak trees, various bushes, and a flower patch of purple flowers. my favorite part of the 'backyard garden' was this tiny hill that had a rock on top. i would jump off it and roll down the hill, feeling the fresh grass blades poke and tickle.
claude monet's constructed landscape is still natural. though the components are artifically arranged into a visually pleasing manner, the human hand can only alter so much until nature takes over and runs its own course. after a certain point of manipulating, monet would have been forced to allow the plants to grow, bloom, and flourish as they desired: as i was walking through monet's garden, i found myself in a secluded area away from the tourists. the breeze was blowing through the trees and making an incredible rustling noise as pollen floated down, carried by the wind....everything in that moment was natural. nature was showing off its beauty with or without the human touch......
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